Striving for Perfection Sometimes Causes You To...

Excited to complete this and put it out there.

Lord knows this title is dear to me.

I realized though, my biggest hesitancy in putting this eBook out there, was being judged. Which is weird because I go live 5 days a week without a bit of makeup on my face and I’ve even had a nip slip while nursing during my Facebook live before. 🤷🏾‍♀️

Perfection, judgement, some people just have an innate ability to not give a damn and live freely.

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The 11 Year Old Entrepreneur...

I committed myself to helping Ava build her site and officially launch it-

and Sunday, I did.

It's bigger than t-shirts,

bigger than a site,

it's about teaching our children that they are capable now.

That creativity and success aren't things that exist outside of them.

That even as children, they can do great things.

So I'm excited to share with you that my daughter, Ava, is officially an 11 year old entrepreneur.

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The Day Just Seems to Fly By...

When you're working from home, or running a business from home WITH a kid (or kids) in the house, 

at time it seems impossible-

One minute you're in the zone creating, the next- you're sweeping 105+ tiny grains of rice off the floor, 

because your adorable toddler decided they were finished eating and did not want the bowl on their table.

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'Til the Wheels Fall Off...

Last Thursday, I concluded Day 4 of my 4-part series, Get Your Mind Right: Focus on the Activity.

The purpose of the series? To remind my fellow marketers to focus on the activity of doing- daily and consistently, rather than solely focusing on the outcome. Why? Because just how we can only control ourselves, and not others; we can only control our actions, our activity, we can't always control the outcome.

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You Need to Focus....

Day 1 was all about Content Creation-

What is it and 7 Ways to Get It Done?

If you want to get all the details, 

feel free to check it out up top.

Here's a synopsis though-

Content Creation- the contribution of information

to any media and most especially to 

digital media for an audience in specific context

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